86: Eighty-Six

Dive into the intense world of "86: Eighty-Six," a gripping light novel series by Asato Asato, adapted into a compelling anime. Set in a dystopian future, the story revolves around the conflict between the Republic of San Magnolia and the autonomous region of the "86ers," a marginalized group forced to pilot unmanned drones in a war they're forbidden to acknowledge. Follow the journey of Major Vladilena "Lena" Mirize, who commands a squadron of 86ers known as the Spearhead Squadron. As Lena uncovers the harsh realities of war and discrimination, she forms deep bonds with the squadron members, challenging the systemic injustice of her society. "86: Eighty-Six" explores themes of identity, prejudice, and the human cost of conflict, offering a thought-provoking narrative amidst its thrilling action sequences.