
Overlord is a captivating manga based on the light novel series by Kugane Maruyama. The story is set in 2138, a time when massively multiplayer virtual reality games (DMMORPGs) are at their peak. The protagonist, Momonga, is a dedicated player of the game Yggdrasil, who decides to stay connected until the servers close. However, at midnight, instead of being disconnected, he finds himself transported back to the game world with his avatar, the powerful sorcerer and undead king Ainz Ooal Gown.

In this new world, Ainz discovers that the NPCs (non-player characters) in his guild have developed their own conscience and loyalty to him. Determined to explore this world and find out if there are other players like him, Ainz takes the name of his avatar and embarks on a quest for world domination. His main objective is to strengthen the power of his guild, the Great Tomb of Nazarick, while discovering the mysteries of this new world.