Is the Order a Rabbit?

Enter the charming and cozy world of Is the Order a Rabbit? (GochiUsa), a delightful manga and anime series that blends slice of life, comedy, and a touch of fantasy. Created by Koi, the story revolves around Cocoa Hoto, a cheerful and energetic girl who moves to a picturesque town and begins working at the Rabbit House café. There, she meets a quirky cast of characters including her fellow waitresses Chino Kafuu, Rize Tedeza, and others, each with their own unique personalities and quirks. Together, they navigate daily life at the café, filled with heartwarming moments, amusing adventures, and occasional whimsical occurrences. With its endearing artwork and lighthearted storytelling, Is the Order a Rabbit? offers readers and viewers a delightful escape into a world of friendship, warmth, and fluffy rabbits.